One of the great contributions to therapeutic practice is what I call the EFT Framework. EFT (short for Emotional Freedom Technique) was created by Gary Craig many years ago. Gary was an engineer by training and this meant he was able to home in on what the smallest bit of […]
What Is Somatic Therapy? Somatic Therapy relies on the basic premise that unresolved emotional issues are often stored in the body. By working on the body in some way, these trapped emotions can be released. This includes feelings which are not necessarily specific to a particular traumatic event. For example, […]
When someone suffers a traumatic event, very often there is a limiting perspective or belief that is locked in at the time. It is possible to clear out the emotional content of a trauma. However, unless these limiting beliefs and perspectives are also resolved, the trauma will not be fully […]
Anyone who has done much personal development work will have come across the concept of the Inner Child. It’s something I have known about for a long time but somehow I’ve never really engaged with it properly. I’m not sure why I did this to be honest. Maybe there always […]
Money is one of those topics that we all have issues with. Common phrases such as “filthy rich” or “the root of all evil” – it’s no wonder we tend to have warped views about it. Many people also struggle to earn or keep it or have limiting beliefs about […]
Up until recently if anyone asked me to recommend a book as a great introduction to spirituality I would offer them “Conversations with God“. Now I tend to recommend a couple of books. As well as “CWG” I also recommend this book. It’s a wonderful introduction to the topic from […]
What are the Three Principles and how can learning about them improve your life? I have personally found that reading about them has been transformational. In this post I will tell you a bit about them and how they can help you. Introduction The Three Principles originated from Sydney Banks. […]
What is Light Language and how can you use it to gain wonderful healing for all sorts of issues, traumas and ailments?
“The Firecrest Five Step Process” We all experience unwanted emotions throughout our daily lives but what is the best way of dealing with them and how can we clear unwanted emotions that keep bothering us? The Firecrest Five Step process is a simple emotional clearing technique that really works. Below […]
What is the best morning energy routine to start your day? Recently I was introduced to this wonderful routine by Donna Eden. I immediately felt the benefits so I want to post this here as an easy reference for clients and also for casual visitors to this website. Who Is […]