Firecrest Healing Intuitive Therapy & Channelled Energy Healing

A Simple Emotional Clearing Technique

“The Firecrest Five Step Process”

We all experience unwanted emotions throughout our daily lives but what is the best way of dealing with them and how can we clear unwanted emotions that keep bothering us? The Firecrest Five Step process is a simple emotional clearing technique that really works. Below is how to do it.

What Are Emotions?

In order to understand how this simple routine works, we first need to understand the role of emotions. What exactly are they? In simple terms they are communications from our unconscious mind to our conscious mind that operate on a simpler level than thought. They arise if there is a clash or dissonance between our internal belief system and what is being experienced. For example, if someone does not respect our boundaries (which are an internal set of beliefs) then we might feel anger when this happens. This is our unconscious telling us that there is something going on that doesn’t fit with our internal world. Some things, like fear are more immediately, warning us that there may be unpleasant consequences about a situation that we are in. In general though, emotions are messages from our unconscious to our conscious that are simpler than words or which can’t easily be put into words.

A simple emotional clearing technique

Acknowledging Our Feelings

The key point about emotions though is that they need acknowledging. They are being sent for a reason and we at least need to acknowledge their receipt even if we decide not to act on them. It’s important to realise that if we don’t acknowledge our feelings then our unconscious will resend the emotional message. However, each time they aren’t acknowledged the feelings are sent agin, but a little more insistently. So what starts out as an emotional whisper from our unconscious can turn eventually into shouting if we refuse to listen.

In general, what makes emotions “tricky” is that they can often be really unpleasant and we naturally don’t want to feel things like that. However, this unwillingness to feel our emotions is at the root of all unresolved emotional trauma. If not acknowledged, these emotions are “locked away” in our unconscious mind. If further down the line something resonantes or “triggers” them, then we re-feel this unresolved emotion. A key indicator that this might be happening is if our emotional response to a situation is out of all proportion to what is going on in front of us..

So if you want a simple emotional clearing technique that will work for both current and unresolved past traumas then this should fit the bill nicely!

The “Firecrest Five Steps” Process

1 Acknowledge

The first step is to acknowledge the feeling. To start with, feel where it is in your body. Take some time over this to start with to make sure that you fully understand what this emotion feels like for you. Ask yourself questions like:

where is it?
what texture does it have?
is it hard or soft?
is it static or moving?
does it have a colour and if so then what is it?

Grade it on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is non existent and 10 is maximum possible feeling – this will be important for measuring progress. To give you an example, for me, feelings of hurt are typically hard static rigid feelings, like a peach stone with a knobbly surface that sit near my solar plexus. They are not spherical but more like flattened balls. However, this will be different for each individual. Take some time to get to know what this feeling feels like, especially if being aware of your feelings in this way is relatively new to you. Once you have done this then say out loud something like:

“I acknowledge this hard peach stone feeling of hurt below my solar plexus”

(I’ve used my hurt feeling as an example here)

2 Understand

Next you need to understand the feeling and accept the role that it is playing. Say the following sentence:

I understand that this comes from my unconscious mind which is trying to protect me in the best way that it knows how”

3 Thank it

It is important to realise is that this is not some malevolent feeling that is out to make you uncomfortable. It’s coming from within you because that part of you is not happy with something that is going on and it is trying to let you know so that it can “protect” you. Now this protection might be misguided or unhelpful but it’s important to understand that it is well intentioned. It’s important to appreciate and acknowledge this good intention. Say:

I thank it for this protection”

4 Release it

Now that we have acknowledged the feeling and thanked our unconscious mind for this protection we can set about releasing it. First we explain that this feeling is no longer helpful. Say:

However, this feeling is no longer serving me…”

Next we bless it with love. Really feel this feeling and love it. After all it’s trying to help you. Don’t shy away from this, really lean into the feeling. Say:

…so I bless it with love…”

Finally, just let it go. Say:

“…and I let it go”

As you say this, let the feeling go.

5 Repeat

Now it’s time to go back to step 1 and see how the feeling has changed. Check whether it still feels the same and if you would give it the same score out of 10. Chances are that it’s changed in some way. However, it’s important to be thorough. Don’t stop once it’s got down to a more bearable level, you want to get it all the way down to zero. You may also find that it changes, especially if this feeling is coming from a past unresolved emotional trauma. This change of character is important to watch out for as it’s a real sign of progress. So just keep repeating until everything has gone.


The five steps for this simple emotional clearing technique are re-written below, showing just what you need to stay. It’s important to remember the intention behind each stage, especially the first stage where you need to make sure that you are really feeling your feeling, where it is and what it feels like etc.

1. “I acknowledge this feeling of _____”
2. “I understand that it comes from my subconscious which is trying to protect me in the best way it knows how”
3. “I thank it for this protection”
4. “However this feeling is no longer serving me so I bless it with love and let it go”
5. Repeat this process, looking out for changes in the feeling

When to Use

There are of course plenty of other methods that will also clear feelings such as EFT (tapping) for example, Optimal (no tapping) EFT, Ho’oponopono as well as various NLP techniques. However, this method is a simple emotional clearing technique and can be done anywhere with minimal effort. For example when in public on the bus (or wherever) you may not want to start tapping away. But you can easily do this process internally. I use this method sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night with a strong emotion and I don’t want to tap and am too tired for anything else – this is a low effort unobtrusive method.

Why not give it a try and see how well it works for you?