What is the best morning energy routine to start your day? Recently I was introduced to this wonderful routine by Donna Eden. I immediately felt the benefits so I want to post this here as an easy reference for clients and also for casual visitors to this website.
Who Is Donna Eden?
Donna Eden is a pioneer of the field of Energy Medicine. She was born with the ability to see energy fields as colours and geometric shapes. However, this sensitivity initially meant that here body found it hard to cope with life. Various doctors diagnosed her with multiple different illnesses including multiple sclerosis, asthma and various allergies and gave her a prognosis of only a matter of months to live. So she set about working out how to use her skills to bring about healing and cured herself completely of all her ailments. From this work Energy Medecine was born and she has been honing her skills and teaching clients worldwide ever since. Not only do I use her energy routine daily but her “zip up” method is a key part of how I protect myself from negative energies before I start a client session. If you want to know more visit her website here and her youTube channel here.
Morning Energy Routine
A coupe of fellow healers introduced me to this video, both saying how it had helped them so much. As soon as I started doing this 10 minute routine I felt “tingly” and more energised. Given how beneficial I find it, I have now made it a key part of my morning start. Maybe it will help you too!