Firecrest Healing Intuitive Therapy & Channelled Energy Healing

Light Language Healing

Custom Light Language Healing Recordings

Light Language healing is an extremely powerful healing technique. It can dissolve almost any kind of block, past trauma or limiting belief. The particular kind of Light Language I do is a combination of Earth energy and Light Language. I call this “Earth & Sky” Light Language. If you are not sure what Light Language is then please see our blog post here on the topic.

Initial Discussion

When working with a client, we will discuss what you want to target using a Light Language recording. It’s important to talk through carefully what it is you are looking to achieve. This is because there can be a variety of different reasons behind what you are looking to clear. Once we are clear on the intention and target for your recording, I will record your custom Light Language transmission and send it to you.

Light Language Healing

How I Channel Light Language

Light Language is very much a channeled process. By that I mean that the healer connects to the source of the Light Language and allows it to flow through them. Like all channeled processes, it is about the channel getting themselves out of the way, letting go and trusting and not interfering with what is coming through.


The way that Light Language works for me is that I first connect to my Sirius Starseed Family. For me this connection feels like it is up through my crown. When I connect I feel a very high frequency vibrational energy and there is a sense of light flowing down from my crown into my body.

Earth & Sky Connection

Sometimes I also then connect down into Earth Energy. This earth connection is downwards and the vibrational feel is very different. I then allow these two energies to flow fully throughout my body and harmonise within me. This combination of Earth & Starseed energy becomes a very powerful mix

Seting the Intention

I then set the intention for the transmission. If I am doing a custom transmission for a client I tune into that client and then set the intention. This can sometimes be a specific target that they’ve requested or sometimes just be “for their greatest benefit at this current time”. I then wait for the words to come – this usually takes up to thirty seconds for it to start. Once started, it just flows and my hands and body often move as part of this process – it becomes a very expressive process! During this process I usually have a sense of the structure of the transmission and how long it is going to last – typically a couple of minutes.

How To Use a Light Language Recording

The process for receiving a Light Language transmission is very simple. You just listen to it, giving it your undivided attention with a calm and empty mind. There is no need to try to understand it as plays, just let it flow through you. When I create custom Light Language recordings for clients I recommend that they listen once per day

Measuring the Benefit

It is very useful to take stock of how big an issue it is before you start. To do this simply measure it on a scale of 0 to 10 where 10 is the worst imaginable and 0 is nothing there at all. So before starting ask yourself how you would rate your issue. Then play through the recording. Make a note of whether any feelings or thoughts came up during or as an immediate result of playing the recording. Rate the issue again after the recording and also at the end of the day.


Note, that Light Language can take a while for the benefits to take effect. I often find that if I’ve played through the recording in the morning, by the end of the day I’ll be feeling much better about the targeted issue when I check in. The next day repeat this process. Keep listening to the recording on a daily basis until you feel that it has run its course.

For big issues, the timescale can be much longer as there are more layers to work through. Sometimes it can take weeks to bring up and resolve everything.

Things to look out for

  • Feeling Worse
    Somtimes you will feel worse after playing it through rather than better. This may be because issues and emotions that you have been suppressing might have been brought to the surface. Don’t worry about this, trust the process and allow yourself to feel and acknowledge these feelings. They will pass as you continue to listen to the recordings. Just trust that this is all part of the process
  • Severe Trauma
    Be very careful about targeting issues where you know or suspect that there is severe “captial T” trauma involved. That could get very uncomfortable to handle. If this is the case instead seek a one-to-one session with a trauma trained therapist (such as myself) in order to work through things safely
  • No Immediate Change
    Sometimes you may not notice any obvious benefits or changes in the targeted issue after playing the recording. Rest assured it is working – sometimes it takes a while for things to work through your system and for you to get the benefit. Sometimes the effect can be slow to work through.
  • Run Its Course
    After a while you may feel that it has “run its course” – you are no longer experiencing a strong response to listening to it or you are not noticing any changes. At this point it is time to check in with me again. We can discuss how far you are towards achieving your goal and whether you need a new recording to target what might be left. Sometimes, one layer gets cleared only for it to reveal another layer which might need a different recording.

If you would like to find out more then please book a FREE initial consultation to discuss how a custom light language healing recording can help you.

The first time I listened to Adam’s Light Language transmission I felt the energy of wisdom and love, and I felt reassurance. After a few days I noticed my inner vision improving. I felt it gently dissolving something in my back, as well as energy in my forehead. I have experienced many layers of powerful energy in the transmission, as I continue to listen!

Milly S – USA